Thursday, October 06, 2005

The cosmic merry-go-round

In the light of the current Evolution vs. Intelligent Design debate I’ve decided to post my thoughts.

Evolution needs to be defined.
(1) Cosmic evolution - origin of time, space and matter
(2) Chemical evolution - origin of higher elements from hydrogen
(3) Stellar and planetary evolution - origin of stars and planets
(4) Organic evolution - origin of life
(5) Macro evolution - changing from one kind to another
(6) Micro evolution - variations within same kind

According to Google, Science is systematically acquired knowledge that is verifiable or systematized knowledge derived from observation or observed results of experimentation, (observable or experimentally repeatable).

To me the (1) to (5) is not science. Not one of them has ever been observed, or experimentally repeated. This boils down to a form of religion. Micro evolution, on the other hand, is true science, and also accepted by proponents of Intelligent Design (ID)!

I therefore find it interesting that the recent debate has been labelled "Science vs. Religion".

Something that's been making headlines is the fact that the ID guys say evolution is simply a "theory". They don't refer to a theory like gravity (which can be observed and experimentally repeated) or micro evolution...what they are referring to is (1) to (5) being taught as "gospel" - because it simply is not good science.

OK - I'm coming accross very biased! Just balancing the blogosphere a bit.

Godel's Incompleteness theorem leeds us to believe that ID cannot be provable, and is therefore also not good science.

I am a Christian and a scientist. I feel strongly about Evolutionists/Creationists/ID respecting each other. Unfortunately the spokesman are allways so defensive and inflexible that they'll allways be fighting away. I'm sure they can co-exist: as long as guys are willing to admit their weaknesses.

My open system needs input from clued up readers in order to fine tune my control system. Feel free to engage me in debate, or make a comment. Just to make things clear:

I'm not choosing a side, but simply trying to understand and formulate an informed opinion. This post is my view, which is obviously biased in some way.

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