My first e-ncentive!
It's my blog's 3rd birthday today! (I count like they do with dogs)
A few interesting stats of what my 3day old blog has achieved:
- It's hauled in $0.40 through ad-revenue
- At this rate I'll be a millionaire by the time I'm 10000 years old
- Next year this time I should have about $50, which in SA terms equates to about 6 cases of beer! (Nifty)
- My 'site-counter' tells me I can expect about 1500 page views per month
- People from allmost every continent have viewed my humble blog (the internet hasn't really caught on in antartica yet)
- I've published 5 blog entries...which means that by the time I'm a millionaire I'll have published about 520000 posts! (serious carpal tunnel syndrome candidate)
I'm really enjoying this! Don't get me wrong - It's not about the money or the fame that I've become privy to recently - but rather a sense of having fun and seeing how the engine of a well-oiled machine works.
Aint life grand...
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