Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The concept of peer-production!

How can we make money by pursuing our passions?

The internet serves as a nice means for passionate people to specialize in what they love and make money doing it!

A few examples should illustrate this view:
  • If I'm passionate about my blog, specialize in Artificial Intelligence, and get a lot of people to visit my site - I own a soapbox! If I now tell the people visiting my site that my favourite book is GEB - The Eternal Golden Braid, there might just be a few patrons who click on the link and buy it. Amazon will reward me with approximately $2 for every purchase!

  • One of my links on the right hand side of this page points to iStockPhoto. This is a site that allows people who love photography to share their photo's with the world. If someone likes a photo, they buy it for about $3, and the photographer gets $1 for the sale. If you just happen to like photography - click on that link and sign up for free...I'll receive $5!

  • Soon you'll be seeing google ads on my site! If anyone simply clicks on one of these adds I'll be earning money! (so make a habit of doing so!->)

This concept basically resolves to nodes on the internet (people) becoming stronger and stronger by being referenced by more and more sites (v.v). You become a node by starting to participate in an online community of your choice (your passion). This is called peer-production, and you'll find a nice link in my bookmark list!

Is it just me, or is this exciting stuff!!


At 06 September, 2005 16:13, Blogger Unknown said...

nice one - this is going to be HUGE!

for an "early"example of pp, just consider ebay - and for the hard-core capitalists who think pp is a hippie phenomenon - consider that a startup investment in ebay is worth 3X the same investment in amazon - makes you think .....


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