Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Nothing is free!

I wouldn't like to dishearten any would-be bloggers just waiting to make their fortunes through peer-production...but nothing in life is free!

David Gibbons has an interesting entry in his blog regarding the sweat equity that is needed to establish yourself in the Blogging market.

This same principle holds true for the whole of the peer-production system:
What you get out depends on what you put in!

This has sent me thinking. What happens if everyone has a blog? Don't we run a great risk of becoming completely anonymous - lost between millions and millions of blogs!!

My only answer to that is that we must establish a blogging culture whereby we try to link to as many interesting sites and blogs as possible, and continuously explore links provided by other sites. If we become content to sit in our own little sandboxes we will soon dissapear into obscurity.

Let me know what you think!


At 08 September, 2005 18:20, Blogger Unknown said...

if all bloggers only typed it would be a very boring blogosphere

personally, I think you should try and read at least 5X as much as you write - and when you write, try and spend more time commenting on other blogs, linking to them and tracking back than you do "publishing" - the value of blogging is less in the nodes (our posts) than the links (our P2P connections)

PS - franz, please drop the "r" from the link to my blog in this post - "poductivity" - correct in ur sidebar


At 09 September, 2005 08:38, Blogger Franz said...

Thanks for the errata! I'm an atrocious speller and very absent minded typist, so feel free to help me out at any time.

Reading 5X as much is a good principle. Yesterday I used the 'next blog' function to browse around. There are really very few blogs that aren't interesting!


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